Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Free 5 MB Phone Memory on Nokia N81 Symbian OS 9.1/9.2 phone

Hi All,

Last night I was reviewing my N81 phone memory. I noticed that my Nokia N81 has on 10.5 MB phone memory left. I wondered that I had not installed anything to phone memory and still why it is having such low phone memory.

Then I used HelloCarbide tool to review phone memory of my Nokia N81. HelloCarbide is tool from which you can access your private folder on the phone memory. You can download HelloCarbide from here.

Here is the trick that I found to get 5MB more phone memory on your N81 or any other Symbian OS 9.1 or Symbian OS 9.2 device.

Step-1- Open Xplore or any other file browsing software you have. I prefer to use Xplore. As it is more easy and user friendly. Keep it open and open HelloCarbide. Now choose from menu "Menu1" and then choose "Yes". Now by holding the menu key open the list of running program and switch to Xplore.

Step-2- Now you have access to all your private folder. Go to C:\Private folder. Now search for folder named "102072c4". It will be like "C:\Private\102072c4" if you look in this folder you will find file "reserved.bin" with a size of 5 MB.

This file for FOTA - Firmware on the Air. We all are not using this service. So this file is useless for us.

Step-3- Now delete file C:\Private\102072C4\reserved.bin

That's it. Now you have 5MB more space on the phone memory. Now restart your phone and your Nokia Symbian OS 9.1/9.2 phone is ready to use with 5MB more space without any harm to your phone.



  1. thx a lot, u helped me =)

  2. thank you very much......

  3. this wt im searchn for..tQ guy

  4. You also have to create a new blank text file (using x-plore or any other sofware) and name it as "reserved.bin" else the phone automatically creates another one after the next restart. Post the correct steps man.
